Combine these IEMs with VLC and a good DAC+Amplifier and you can surpass, in the range of audible frequencies of course, the characteristics (spatialization, dynamics, separability and clarity) of the main audiophile IEMs, for example the exceptional live resonance of the final piano forte X / or even the extreme bass of the Sony XBA-N3 (at the level of the IER Z1R), to mention only those that I was able to use to make the comparison. On Pendulum from FKA twigs, you get a better separation of the bass sub-classses than the later IEM (which is shocking because the latter are in theory capable of reproducing extreme bass, lower in frequency ! waouh, there is thus a big difference between restitution and perception!), truly exceptional. On the spatialization+3D side, these headphones far exceed the VR3000, especially with an xspace boost from an ifi gryphon : you hear incisive and sharp sounds cutting your eardrums. They appear bulky on photos, but they are light and the bulk aspect gives them a greater isolation.