In a crowded field of mid-fi options, the Shozy Magmas are criminally overlooked. I have been going through a bit of a listening experiment by trying as many Tribrid (DD, BA, EST) IEMs as I can get my hands on. I've bought and compared everything from the Dunu EST112s to the MMR Thummims and many, many in between. Somehow, I hadn't even heard of the Magmas until a few months ago, more than a year after their release, despite frequenting multiple forums and subreddits dedicated to headphones, IEMs, and earbuds.
Once they appeared on my radar I was intrigued by the Magmas and the lack of fanfair or even simple discussions/comparisons. The few user comments I did find tended to be very positive so I scooped up a pair. Boy am I glad that I did! Over the time that I've had them, the Magmas have quickly become one of my favorite mid-fi IEM options. The shells are much smaller than the vast majority of the tribrids out there making them very comfy for long sessions and a secure fit provides very good passive noise isolation.
The bass has great balance between punch and rumble. The mids are slightly recessed, but maintain good presence with a smooth and detailed delivery that makes vocals and strings come across clearly with pretty accurate timbral character (with a touch of warmth). The treble is well extended, retrieving plenty of detail while keeping its presentation very inoffensive. Basically, the whole tuning profile strikes a very nice balance that makes the Magmas a pleasure to listen to.
As far as technicalities go, the Magmas have a very good soundstage that has good width, depth, and height with a semi-holographic feel. The imaging, layering, and separation are amongst the best, if not the absolute best, I have heard amongst similarly priced IEMs. It's very easy to pick out instrument/source position and directionality.
The Magmas aren't the best pick for bassheads, trebleheads, or mid-lovers, but they're great for folks that appreciate a well balanced U or mild V shaped tuning that provides a versatile, fun, and euphonic listening experience. I felt the need to post this so that possible buyers will have another source for opinions on this lovely pair of IEMs.
I think I'm gonna have to put together a longer version for those forums and subreddits I was talking about. 😉