Tanchjim Zero !!! This IEM is the ultimate definition of price/performance of anything else at this price point . Its a bright and neutral sound with perfectly sized soundstage "out of head experience" , the imaging presentation and layering are also on a very high level than anything else on this price point . Its analytical , with very very good resolution , and you will notice the difference when you will hear new things popping out in your music that you haven't noticed before . This IEM is not for the Bass Lovers . Its more suitable for music genre like Acoustic , Ballads , Jazz and especially very good for Metal and Rock music. The bass on this Tanchjim Zero is of quality bass over quantity bass . You will not experience a thumping bass or a big or thumping rumble . Its a neutral sounding IEM with a very slight boost in the lower frequency and the treble itself rolls off nicely without getting annoying and piercing especially for metal music that I love so much . Combine it with tips like KBear 07 or a slow rebound memory foam tip .
Dear reader , this IEM needs power , it scales much better and the soundstage expands even more if you combine it with sources that can provide you with anything from 2 VRMS and above .